How Many Calories In A Shot Of Tequila? | Comprehensive Answer

It’s no surprise that a shot of tequila contains alcohol and calories, but do you know how many calories in a shot of tequila? You might be surprised to learn the answer – as well as the fact that certain types of tequila have fewer calories than others. Understanding which one is best for your body can help you make better choices when it comes to drink or an evening out. Keep reading to get the lowdown on calories in tequila and find out what type will fit into your health and fitness goals without compromising taste.


Introduce About Tequila – What Is A Shot Of Tequila?

Tequila is a type of distilled liquor made from blue agave and originating in the Mexican state of Jalisco. It comes in several varieties, ranging from clear to gold to aged. The aging process affects the taste as well as the color of the tequila, with older varieties having a smoother flavor and a darker hue than their younger counterparts.

A shot of tequila is one of the more popular alcohol beverages, and it contains a precise measure – about 1.5 ounces (44ml) – which is considered to be the standard pour for a single-serving size. The alcoholic content of tequila varies from brand to brand, but most have between 35% and 55% ABV (alcohol by volume).

A Shot Of Tequila

What Is Calories?

Calories are the unit of measurement we use to quantify an amount of energy. Calories are found in food and beverages, including alcoholic drinks. However, alcohol isn’t stored in the same way as other food items, so it’s not quite as straightforward as counting calories in a normal meal.

Does Tequila Drink Have Calories?

Yes, tequila does contain calories. In fact, a single shot of tequila contains about 97-110 calories – depending on the brand and type. For comparison, a 12-ounce beer typically contains around 150 calories, while a 5-ounce glass of wine has around 100-125 calories.

How Many Calories In A Shot Of Tequila?

The answer depends on the type of tequila you opt for. Generally speaking, a shot of silver (or blanco) tequila contains about 64 calories per 1.5 ounces, while gold or aged tequilas have slightly more at around 70 calories. Some brands can even have higher calorie counts, depending on the type of agave used to make them and the additives they contain. You should also beware that some shots may be larger than 1.5 ounces, so if you’re looking to keep your calorie count low, it’s best to stick with a single shot size.

If you still wonder about how many calories in a shot of tequila, let’s watch this video to know more about this.

How Many Calories In A Shot Of Tequila By Type?

Extra Añejo Tequila: 80-90 calories per 1.5 ounces

Silver (or blanco) tequila: 64 calories for 1.5 ounces

Gold or aged tequila: 70 calories for 1.5 ounces

Aged tequila: around 70 calories for 1.5 ounces

Flavored tequila: around 97-110 calories for 1.5 ounces

Joven tequila: around 97-110 calories for 1.5 ounces

Flavored tequila

How Many Calories In A Shot Of Tequila By Popular Brand?

Here’s a look at some popular brands and how many calories are in a shot of tequila for each one:

Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila: 85 calories per 1.5 ounce

Sauza Blanco Tequila: 64 calories per 1.5 ounce

Patron Silver Tequila: 64 calories per 1.5 ounce

Hornitos Reposado Tequila: 70 calories per 1.5 ounce

Cuervo Especial Silver Tequila: 64 calories per 1.5 ounce

1800 Silver Tequila: 65 calories per 1.5 ounces

Jose Cuervo: 97 calories for 1.5 ounces

Don Julio: 110 calories per 1.5 ounces

It’s important to note that the calorie count can vary depending on the brand and type of tequila, so it’s best to check the label or ask your bartender for specifics.

Patron Silver Tequila

Factor Affect To How Many Calories In A Shot Of Tequila:

The factors that affect the calories in a shot of tequila include the type (e.g., silver, gold, flavored), brand, and additives used to make the tequila. As mentioned above, some brands may have higher calorie counts due to added ingredients such as sugars or syrups. For example, the type of agave used and the length of time it has been aged can both increase the calorie count significantly. Additionally, flavoring agents such as sugar or honey will add extra calories to your drink.

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Health Benefit Of Tequila:

In spite of its relatively high calorie content, tequila has some health benefits. It contains agavins, a kind of sugar that helps lower blood sugar levels and can act as an appetite suppressant. Additionally, tequila’s natural fermentation process yields antioxidants that help protect against the damage from free radicals in the body. Furthermore, many brands use 100% agave, which means that it is less likely to contain impurities like sulfites, as well as additives such as added sugars or artificial flavors. Additionally, some studies suggest that moderate consumption of tequila may have certain health benefits such as lowering cholesterol levels and reducing risk of certain diseases.

Drinking Tequila

How Much Should You Drink Shots Of Tequila A Day?

It’s important to remember that moderation is key when it comes to alcohol consumption. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting alcoholic drinks to one or two per day for women, and two or three for men. If you choose to drink, tequila can be a healthier option than many other types of liquor – just make sure to keep your servings moderate.

Why We Need To Know How Many Calories In A Shot Of Tequila?

Knowing how many calories you’re consuming in a single shot of tequila is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Being aware of your calorie intake can help you make more informed decisions when it comes to drinking alcohol and ensure that you don’t exceed the recommended guidelines. Additionally, tracking your calorie intake can be useful if you’re trying to lose or maintain your weight. Ultimately, the key is to drink in moderation and be mindful of how much you’re consuming. Knowing the calorie content of a shot of tequila can help you do just that.

Calories In A Shot Of Tequila

Tips To Drink A Shot Of Tequila Low Calories:

If you’re looking for a way to enjoy tequila without consuming too many calories, there are some tips you can follow. Opt for lighter options like silver or gold tequila, which generally have fewer calories than aged varieties. Additionally, adding fresh lime or other low calorie mixers like cranberry juice can help reduce the total calorie count of your drink. Lastly, make sure to stick to a single shot size and try not to add any sugary syrups or juices which can quickly increase the calorie content of your cocktail. No matter how you choose to enjoy your tequila, it’s important to remember that moderation is key for responsible consumption. Knowing how many calories are in a shot of tequila can help you make smart, informed decisions about your drinking habits.

Some Recipes Low Calories Tequila Cocktail:

If you’re looking for a low-calorie tequila cocktail, there are plenty of delicious recipes to choose from. Try making a classic margarita with silver tequila, fresh lime juice and agave nectar. Or, opt for a skinny paloma with silver or light gold tequila, grapefruit juice and soda water. There are also plenty of delicious fruity options like a strawberry jalapeño margarita, pineapple and mint paloma or a mango tequila sunrise. No matter which one you choose, these light cocktails will help you enjoy tequila while avoiding excess calories.

Skinny Paloma:


– 1 ½ ounce silver or light gold tequila

– ¼ cup grapefruit juice

– 2 to 3 ounces soda water

Instructions: Fill a glass with ice. Pour in the tequila, followed by the grapefruit juice and soda water. Stir gently and enjoy.

This classic Mexican cocktail is a refreshing and low-calorie way to enjoy tequila. Plus, it’s incredibly easy to make – so you can whip up a skinny paloma in no time.

Skinny Paloma

Tequila Sunrise:


– 1 ½ ounce silver tequila

– ¾ cup orange juice

– 2 tablespoons grenadine syrup

Instructions: Fill a glass with ice. Pour in the tequila, followed by the orange juice and Grenadine. Stir gently and enjoy.

The Tequila Sunrise is another classic cocktail that’s easy to make and perfect for enjoying tequila without consuming too many calories. Plus, its beautiful red-orange hue makes it a great drink to share with friends or family.

Tequila Sunrise

Prosecco Margarita With Cranberry:


– 1 ½ ounce silver tequila

– ¼ cup cranberry juice

– 2 to 3 ounces prosecco

Instructions: Fill a glass with ice. Pour in the tequila, followed by the cranberry juice and prosecco. Stir gently and enjoy.

This festive cocktail is a delicious way to enjoy tequila without the guilt. The prosecco adds a bubbly sweetness, while the cranberry juice lends a tart flavor that pairs perfectly with the tequila.

Prosecco Margarita With Cranberry

Conclusion: How Many Calories In A Shot Of Tequila

Now that you know how many calories in a shot of tequila, you can make a more informed decision when choosing which type is right for you. A shot of tequila contains anywhere from 64 to 110 calories depending on the type and brand. Additionally, certain factors such as the type of agave used and flavoring agents can affect the calorie count significantly. Whether you’re looking to keep your calorie count low or just want to try something different, the wide variety of tequilas available ensure that there’s something for everyone. Thank you for reading at

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FAQs: Calories In A Shot Of Tequila

Is tequila the lowest calorie alcohol?

While tequila is often touted as a low-calorie alcohol option, it is not actually the lowest in terms of calories. Vodka takes the top spot with just 100 calories in a 50-milliliter shot. Other options for low-calorie alcohol include whiskey, gin, and even tequila, which all come in at around 110 calories per shot. So if you’re looking to cut down on calories during your next night out, consider opting for one of these lower-calorie options.

How many calories are in 7 shots of tequila?

Discover the calorie count of 7 shots (30 ml) of Tequila – 450 calories. Stay informed about what you consume.

Are 2 shots of tequila high in calories?

Actually, not really. A shot of tequila counts for approximately 97 calories each, which is less compared to most other alcoholic drinks and some non-alcoholic beverages.

How much tequila is 100 calories?

A 1.5 ounce shot of tequila contains roughly 100 calories on average.

Is tequila high in calories?

Tequila is an excellent choice for people who are watching their calorie intake. Compared to many other spirits, tequila contains relatively few calories. With only 98 calories in a 1.5 oz shot, it’s easy to see why tequila is a perfect drink for those who want to enjoy a night out without breaking their diet.

Does calories in tequila make you gain weight?

Fear not! Contrary to popular belief, tequila is actually a great option for those who are watching their weight. With a low calorie count, you can enjoy your favorite drink without any guilt. Say cheers to a healthy lifestyle with tequila.

Is tequila less calories or vodka?

Are you wondering which is lower in calories, tequila or vodka? The good news is that it doesn’t matter! Whether you prefer vodka, tequila, gin, or whiskey, they all have around 100 calories per 1.5 oz serving. So, go ahead and enjoy your favorite spirit without worrying about the calorie count.

What’s the lowest calorie tequila?

Did you know that a shot of silver or blanco tequila only contains roughly 98 calories? That makes it a great low-calorie option for those watching their intake.

What tequila is zero calories?

Look no further than Ritual Zero Proof. Our tequila alternative boasts zero calories, making it the perfect choice for those looking to indulge without the added calories. Satisfy your tequila cravings and stay on track with your health goals with Ritual Zero Proof.

How many calories are in 35ml of tequila?

According to nutrition information, a 35ml serving of tequila contains approximately 78 calories.

How many calories are in pure tequila?

A standard serving of pure tequila, which is one fluid ounce of 80 proof alcohol, contains 64 calories.

Is tequila one of the less calories alcohol?

Tequila may be a healthier option amongst similar liquors due to its lower sugar and calorie content. However, it’s important to consider the nutrition of the entire drink when mixing with other ingredients. Choose tequila wisely for a healthier drinking experience.

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